1.串并转换模块(1 to 8)
1 `timescale 1ns / 1ps 2 // 3 // Company: 4 // Engineer: 5 // 6 // Create Date: 20:30:15 04/14/2015 7 // Design Name: 8 // Module Name: SerialToParallel 9 // Project Name: 10 // Target Devices: 11 // Tool versions: 12 // Description: 13 //14 // Dependencies: 15 //16 // Revision: 17 // Revision 0.01 - File Created18 // Additional Comments: 19 //20 //21 module SerialToParallel(22 input CLK, //时钟23 input RSTn, //复位24 input Enable, //输入有效25 input DataIn, //串行输入26 output reg Ready, //输出有效27 output[7:0] Index, //并行数据索引28 output[7:0] ParallelData //并行数据输出29 );30 31 reg[7:0] Data_Temp; //数据缓存32 reg[3:0] counter; //位数计数器33 reg[3:0] state; //状态机34 reg[7:0] Index_Temp; //索引缓存35 36 assign Index=Index_Temp;37 assign ParallelData=Ready?Data_Temp:8'd0;38 39 ////40 //state:41 //4'd0:复位 42 //43 //4'd1:未复位,未使能44 //45 //4'd2:未复位,输入使能46 //47 48 always@(posedge CLK or negedge RSTn)49 if(!RSTn)50 begin51 state<=4'd0; //复位52 Ready<=0;53 counter<=4'd0;54 Data_Temp<=8'd0;55 Index_Temp<=8'd0;56 end57 else58 begin59 case(state)60 4'd0:61 begin62 if(!Enable)state<=4'd1;63 else state<=4'd2;64 Ready<=0;65 end66 4'd1:67 begin68 if(!Enable)state<=4'd1;69 else state<=4'd2;70 Ready<=0;71 counter<=4'd0;72 Data_Temp<=8'd0;73 end74 4'd2:75 begin76 if(!Enable)state<=4'd1;77 else state<=4'd2;78 case(counter)79 4'd0:begin Data_Temp[0]<=DataIn;counter<=counter + 1'b1;Ready<=0;end80 4'd1:begin Data_Temp[1]<=DataIn;counter<=counter + 1'b1;Ready<=0;end81 4'd2:begin Data_Temp[2]<=DataIn;counter<=counter + 1'b1;Ready<=0;end82 4'd3:begin Data_Temp[3]<=DataIn;counter<=counter + 1'b1;Ready<=0;end83 4'd4:begin Data_Temp[4]<=DataIn;counter<=counter + 1'b1;Ready<=0;end84 4'd5:begin Data_Temp[5]<=DataIn;counter<=counter + 1'b1;Ready<=0;end85 4'd6:begin Data_Temp[6]<=DataIn;counter<=counter + 1'b1;Ready<=0;end86 4'd7:begin Data_Temp[7]<=DataIn;counter<=4'd0;Index_Temp<=Index_Temp + 1'b1;Ready<=1'b1;end87 endcase88 end89 endcase90 end91 92 endmodule
1 `timescale 1ns / 1ps 2 3 //// 4 // Company: 5 // Engineer: 6 // 7 // Create Date: 22:02:53 04/14/2015 8 // Design Name: SerialToParallel 9 // Module Name: C:/Users/Administrator/Documents/Tencent Files/1577197070/FileRecv/SerialToParallel/TB_SerialToParallel.v10 // Project Name: SerialToParallel11 // Target Device: 12 // Tool versions: 13 // Description: 14 //15 // Verilog Test Fixture created by ISE for module: SerialToParallel16 //17 // Dependencies:18 // 19 // Revision:20 // Revision 0.01 - File Created21 // Additional Comments:22 // 23 ////24 25 module TB_SerialToParallel;26 27 // Inputs28 reg CLK;29 reg RSTn;30 reg Enable;31 32 // Outputs33 wire Ready;34 wire [7:0] Index;35 wire [7:0] ParallelData;36 37 // Instantiate the Unit Under Test (UUT)38 SerialToParallel uut (39 .CLK(CLK), 40 .RSTn(RSTn), 41 .Enable(Enable), 42 .DataIn(data), 43 .Ready(Ready), 44 .Index(Index), 45 .ParallelData(ParallelData)46 );47 48 initial begin49 // Initialize Inputs50 CLK = 0;51 RSTn = 0;52 Enable = 0;53 54 // Wait 100 ns for global reset to finish55 #100;RSTn = 1;Enable = 1;56 57 // Add stimulus here58 forever #5 CLK = ~CLK;59 end60 61 wire data;62 data_generator unit1(63 .clock(CLK),64 .reset(RSTn),65 .data(data)66 );67 68 69 endmodule
1 `timescale 1ns / 1ps 2 // 3 // Company: 4 // Engineer: 5 // 6 // Create Date: 22:22:03 04/14/2015 7 // Design Name: 8 // Module Name: data_generator 9 // Project Name: 10 // Target Devices: 11 // Tool versions: 12 // Description: 13 //14 // Dependencies: 15 //16 // Revision: 17 // Revision 0.01 - File Created18 // Additional Comments: 19 //20 //21 module data_generator(22 23 // Inputs24 input clock,25 input reset,26 27 // Outputs28 output data29 );30 31 reg data_temp;32 33 assign data = data_temp;34 35 always@(posedge clock or negedge reset)36 if(!reset)37 data_temp<=1'b0;38 else39 data_temp<={$random} % 2;40 41 endmodule42 //43 //module data_generator(44 //45 // // Inputs46 // input clock,47 // input reset,48 // 49 // // Outputs50 // output[7:0] data51 // );52 // 53 // reg[7:0] data_temp;54 // 55 // assign data = data_temp;56 // 57 // always@(posedge clock or negedge reset)58 // if(!reset)59 // data_temp<=8'd0;60 // else61 // data_temp<={$random} % 256;62 // 63 //endmodule
1 `timescale 1ns / 1ps 2 // 3 // Company: 4 // Engineer: 5 // 6 // Create Date: 20:30:15 04/14/2015 7 // Design Name: 8 // Module Name: SerialToParallel 9 // Project Name: 10 // Target Devices: 11 // Tool versions: 12 // Description: 13 //14 // Dependencies: 15 //16 // Revision: 17 // Revision 0.01 - File Created18 // Additional Comments: 19 //20 //21 module SerialToParallel(22 input CLK,23 input RSTn,24 input Enable, 25 input DataIn,26 output reg Ready,27 output[7:0] Index,28 output[3:0] ParallelData29 );30 31 reg[3:0] Data_Temp;32 reg[3:0] counter;33 reg[3:0] state;34 reg[7:0] Index_Temp;35 36 assign Index=Index_Temp;37 assign ParallelData=Ready?Data_Temp:4'd0;38 39 ////40 //state:41 //4'd0:复位 42 // 转换计数清零,输出计数清零,输出数据清零43 //4'd1:未复位,未使能44 // 转换计数清零,输出数据清零45 //4'd2:未复位,输入使能46 //47 48 always@(posedge CLK or negedge RSTn)49 if(!RSTn)50 begin51 state<=4'd0; //复位52 Ready<=0;53 counter<=4'd0;54 Data_Temp<=4'd0;55 Index_Temp<=8'd0;56 end57 else58 begin59 case(state)60 4'd0:61 begin62 if(!Enable)state<=4'd1;63 else state<=4'd2;64 Ready<=0;65 end66 4'd1:67 begin68 if(!Enable)state<=4'd1;69 else state<=4'd2;70 Ready<=0;71 counter<=4'd0;72 Data_Temp<=4'd0;73 end74 4'd2:75 begin76 if(!Enable)state<=4'd1;77 else state<=4'd2;78 case(counter)79 4'd0:begin Data_Temp[0]<=DataIn;counter<=counter + 1'b1;Ready<=0;end80 4'd1:begin Data_Temp[1]<=DataIn;counter<=counter + 1'b1;Ready<=0;end81 4'd2:begin Data_Temp[2]<=DataIn;counter<=counter + 1'b1;Ready<=0;end82 4'd3:begin Data_Temp[3]<=DataIn;counter<=4'd0;Index_Temp<=Index_Temp + 1'b1;Ready<=1'b1;end83 endcase84 end85 endcase86 end87 88 endmodule
1 `timescale 1ns / 1ps 2 // 3 // Company: 4 // Engineer: 5 // 6 // Create Date: 22:54:28 04/14/2015 7 // Design Name: 8 // Module Name: dataout 9 // Project Name: 10 // Target Devices: 11 // Tool versions: 12 // Description: 13 //14 // Dependencies: 15 //16 // Revision: 17 // Revision 0.01 - File Created18 // Additional Comments: 19 //20 //21 module QAM16(22 23 // Inputs24 input CLK,25 input RSTn,26 input Enable, //输入数据有效27 input [3:0] Data, //输入数据28 input [7:0] Index, //输入数据索引29 30 // Outputs31 output reg QAM_Ready, //输出数据有效32 output reg [7:0] RE_TEMP, //输出数据实部33 output reg [7:0] IM_TEMP, //输出数据虚部34 output reg [7:0] IndexOut //输出数据索引35 );36 37 always@(posedge CLK or negedge RSTn)38 if(!RSTn)39 begin40 RE_TEMP<=8'd0;41 IM_TEMP<=8'd0;42 QAM_Ready<=0;43 IndexOut<=8'd0;44 end45 else46 begin47 if(Enable)48 begin //数据映射49 case(Data[1:0])50 2'b00:RE_TEMP[7:0]<=8'b11000011;51 2'b10:RE_TEMP[7:0]<=8'b11101100;52 2'b01:RE_TEMP[7:0]<=8'b00111101;53 2'b11:RE_TEMP[7:0]<=8'b00010100; 54 endcase55 case(Data[3:2])56 2'b00:IM_TEMP[7:0]<=8'b11000011;57 2'b10:IM_TEMP[7:0]<=8'b11101100;58 2'b01:IM_TEMP[7:0]<=8'b00111101;59 2'b11:IM_TEMP[7:0]<=8'b00010100;60 endcase61 IndexOut<=Index;62 QAM_Ready<=1;63 end64 else 65 begin66 RE_TEMP<=8'd0;67 IM_TEMP<=8'd0;68 QAM_Ready<=0;69 end70 end71 72 endmodule
1 `timescale 1ns / 1ps 2 3 //// 4 // Company: 5 // Engineer: 6 // 7 // Create Date: 22:02:53 04/14/2015 8 // Design Name: SerialToParallel 9 // Module Name: C:/Users/Administrator/Documents/Tencent Files/1577197070/FileRecv/SerialToParallel/TB_SerialToParallel.v10 // Project Name: SerialToParallel11 // Target Device: 12 // Tool versions: 13 // Description: 14 //15 // Verilog Test Fixture created by ISE for module: SerialToParallel16 //17 // Dependencies:18 // 19 // Revision:20 // Revision 0.01 - File Created21 // Additional Comments:22 // 23 ////24 25 module TB_16QAM;26 27 // Inputs28 reg CLK;29 reg RSTn;30 reg Enable;31 32 // Outputs33 wire data;34 wire Ready;35 wire QAM_Ready;36 wire [7:0] Index;37 wire [3:0] ParallelData;38 wire [7:0] RE_TEMP;39 wire [7:0] IM_TEMP;40 wire [7:0] IndexOut;41 42 // Instantiate the Unit Under Test (UUT)43 data_generator uut1(44 .clock(CLK),45 .reset(RSTn),46 .data(data)47 );48 49 SerialToParallel uut2 (50 .CLK(CLK), 51 .RSTn(RSTn), 52 .Enable(Enable), 53 .DataIn(data), 54 .Ready(Ready), 55 .Index(Index), 56 .ParallelData(ParallelData)57 );58 QAM16 uut3 (59 .CLK(CLK), 60 .RSTn(RSTn), 61 .Enable(Ready), 62 .Data(ParallelData), 63 .Index(Index), 64 .RE_TEMP(RE_TEMP), 65 .IM_TEMP(IM_TEMP), 66 .IndexOut(IndexOut),67 .QAM_Ready(QAM_Ready)68 );69 70 initial begin71 // Initialize Inputs72 CLK = 0;73 RSTn = 0;74 Enable = 0;75 76 // Wait 100 ns for global reset to finish77 #100;RSTn = 1;Enable = 1;78 79 // Add stimulus here80 forever #5 CLK = ~CLK;81 end82 83 endmodule